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Is What I Have Good Enough? - Can God Really Use Me?

Written by Laura Anslow

But Jesus said, “You feed them.”

"But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. “Or are you expecting us to go and buy enough food for this whole crowd?”

For there were about 5,000 men there.

Jesus replied, “Tell them to sit down in groups of about fifty each.”

So the people all sat down. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread and fish to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers!

- Luke 9:13-17 (NLT)

Is it ever enough?

What we have – is it ever enough for what we really need?

Have you ever asked yourself that question?

Do you ever have enough time? Do you ever walk through your day with enough patience? Or are you like me and wonder if you’ll have enough strength for the day? Or faith and hope for the days ahead in these uncertain times? I am keenly aware of the fact that I never have enough wisdom for the parenting journey.

However, when we read this story of Jesus feeding the five thousand, we can see that when we place what we have in the hands of Jesus, it is always more than enough. More than enough for what we need and for those around us.

Jesus takes what the little boy offers: a simple meal, of not enough bread or fish for even the twelve disciples. Then He blesses it, breaks it, and turns it into enough for five thousand people. That is almost incomprehensible in my mind. Enough food for five thousand people, with leftovers!! I make dinner for my tribe of six and with two teenagers I rarely have leftovers anymore.

Offer What You Have

Let’s look closer at the process of the story. Jesus first takes the offering. So, before any blessing, or any multiplication, before any supplying of needs, we need to offer what we have to Jesus. Is this why, perhaps, we feel like we never have enough because we struggle with this first part of the process? The offering it to Jesus part? We try and hold on, try to make it work in our own strength, with our own wisdom. I am guilty of this far too often. Though I know that letting go and handing it over to Jesus is the vital first step of the process.

Your offering may only be little. You may only have a small amount of courage. Your strength may be dwindling and your patience quickly running out. Whatever you have, even if it is small and seemingly insignificant compared to the task at hand, offering it to Jesus will be the beginning of your freedom and provision. You will be free from the pressure to make it work, to hold it all together, to be seen as strong and capable.

Offering your little to Jesus means you don’t ever have to wonder if it will be enough, because in His hands, it is always enough of all that we need.

Secondly, Jesus blesses it, and breaks it, and gives it out. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I would not be rushing to sign up for that part of the process. I would sign up for the blessing, but the brokenness and the given part, I am not so sure about.

Being Satisfied is Found in the Broken

Sometimes, though, being satisfied, being fulfilled, and receiving that which we came to Him for, is found in the broken. The five thousand had come to Him hungry, not for physical food. They came to Him looking for spiritual food, for something to fill them in a way that the religious traditions had not been able to. They came wanting more than what they had been offered under the teachings of the law. And the way they would receive and be filled was through a breaking of the traditions, and the givenness of Christ. The blessing we receive through Christ is ultimately through the brokenness of His body.

Often, we see the broken and the blessing are found together. In my life, I have known more blessings come from times of brokenness than any other. I have learnt more of His faithfulness in times of desperation than any other. I have discovered more of His strength when I have come to Him exhausted. I have known more of His grace, when I had none left to give.

Finally, the miracle of the provision, the givenness, happens only after the brokenness. Christ gives Himself to us through His brokenness. So, to be given is to be like Christ, and isn’t that what we are all after in the end: to be more like Christ in our daily lives? Perhaps to be more like Christ, we need to be broken like Christ. Perhaps to receive the blessing through Christ, we need to accept that brokenness and givenness are part of the journey. That way, we will always have enough because we have given it to the One who always gives us more than enough in return.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You, that in Jesus all my needs are met. Thank You that You can take my brokenness and bring a blessing from it. Today Lord, help me to come to You with what I have and not try and do it all on my own. Thank You for always loving me no matter what little I bring to You.

In Jesus Name,


This post was written by Laura Anslow.

You can view more of Laura's posts on her website, Laura Jane Anslow.

You can also support and connect with Laura on her Instagram

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Laura is a wife to her Handsome Husband and Mumma to her four beautiful children. She loves reading and writing and speaking about the truth and love of God. She is passionate about her relationship with Jesus and loves doing her life with Him. She believes in the power of God’s Word and the revelation of His Truth to bring freedom and wholeness to people's lives. She is on a journey to discover her identity as His Beloved and live from the truth of His Word, not from the burden of this world.

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